Here's how we brewed this stellar example of one of our favorite varieties from the “godfather of Pink Bourbon”, roasted exclusively for Fellow by Vermont’s Vivid Coffee!

Gabriel Castaño helped popularize Pink Bourbon in Huila, Colombia after he began cultivating the uniquely expressive variety 13 years ago. Gabriel’s processing includes an extended 90 hour fermentation, enhancing and intensifying the vibrant flavors in this microlot. We tasted tropical fruit, citrus, and a silky mouthfeel.

🌎 Origin: Huila Colombia

💦 Process: Washed w/ Extended Fermentation

🔬 Variety: Pink Bourbon

⛰️ Elevation: 1,620 MASL

🔥 Roast: Light

Brew Recipe for Colombia Gabriel Castaño Pink Bourbon

Using Stagg X Dripper


22g of Colombia Gabriel Castaño Pink Bourbon

350g of water



1. Measure and grind coffee at a medium setting

Measure out 22g of coffee beans and grind them on a medium setting. We used setting 5 on Ode with SSP Burr / 4 on Ode with Gen 2 Burrs, which is about 3 - 3.1 on Ode with Gen 1 Burrs. Suggested setting on Opus is between 4 and 5 - and note that the inner ring was set to 0 at 4 for us!

2. Heat water and rinse the filter

Heat water to 205°F and rinse your filter before putting your coffee grounds in.

3. Pour 50g water for the bloom 

Fully saturate your coffee grounds with 50g of water, and allow 40 seconds for the bloom.

4. Continue pouring in four stages

After the bloom, pour to 150g; then when the water is approximately 0.5 in above the bed of grounds, agitate with 5 gentle swirls, then pour to 250g; once water drains halfway, pour to 350g. The total brew time varies, but we’re aiming for between 3:30 - 4:00 minutes.

5. Decant into your favorite mug and enjoy!

Look out for the incredible flavors of tropical fruits, passionfruit, and citrus.



17g of the same coffee

42g of water at 200°F

1:2.5 ratio

26-28 second pull time


1. Measure and grind coffee

Measure out 17g of coffee beans.

2. Make sure your espresso machine is at temp.

Water should ideally be at  200°F.

4. Grind your coffee

We suggest a total pull time of 26-28 seconds.

4. Pull shot at 9 bars!

Pull your shot at 9 bars for 26-28 seconds.

5. Decant into your favorite demitasse cup and enjoy!

Let us know what flavors pop out in your espresso. We suggest stirring with a small spoon before tasting to integrate all layers of the ‘spro