Meet Prismo, an AeroPress® attachment that unlocks espresso-style coffee without an espresso machine.
We here at Fellow love espresso, but sometimes we don’t have access to a good espresso machine, and the team is left to walk to the nearest coffee shop. Since we’re a coffee product company (and that coffee shop is over a mile away), we figured we should probably solve this problem.
After countless prototypes, Fellow landed upon Prismo, a pressure actuated valve designed to be used with the AeroPress®. This attachment allows for a buildup of pressure to create espresso-style coffee and creates a no drip seal for a full immersion brew. Syrupy and full-bodied, Prismo’ quick punch of caffeine will save the day…or at least your morning. Check out the video below to see Prismo in action:

Since we’ve always been a huge fan of the AeroPress®, we teamed up with Blossom, a San Francisco-based engineering firm to tackle Prismo. Together we knew we wanted to give coffee nerds the option to brew espresso-style anywhere, anytime.

Prismo’s three main features
or “superpowers”, make it easy to brew top-notch espresso-style coffee at home using your AeroPress®:

- Pressure Actuated Valve – The secret weapon for “pulling a shot” with more pressure. The special valve stays sealed until you press down and creates more pressure in order to brew coffee to a consistency closer to espresso than the AeroPress® on its own.
- No Drip Seal – Ditch the flip. Brew a full immersion without inverting your AeroPress®.
- Reusable Etched Metal Filter – Cut out the middleman. The 150 micron etched fine metal filter stops sludge in its tracks and eliminates the need for paper filters.


To brew espresso-style coffee with Prismo and AeroPress®, it’s as easy as making any other coffee with AeroPress®
- Add 20 grams of Ultra-Fine ground coffee
- Add 50 mL of water at 212° F
- Stir 10 seconds to completely wet coffee bed
- Steep for 1 minute
- Press (FIRMLY)

Whether you’re an AeroPress® nerd that already collects recipes on recipes or an AeroPress® beginner, Prismo unlocks an endless array of new superpowers for your brewing pleasure…including a coffee blaster…