Forgot to prep the cold brew last night? Flash brew is a perfect answer to caffeinate and chill. Not to be confused with cold brew, flash brew is as easy to make as it is flavorful. Using light or medium roasts, flash brew is simply pour-over brewed directly onto ice. Fellow’s riff uses our Prismo AeroPress® Attachment and takes inspiration from Vietnamese coffee by adding sweetened condensed milk.
The Tools
Prismo AeroPress® Attachment
Ode Brew Grinder
Mighty Small Glass Carafe
Stagg EKG
Tasting Glasses
The Ingredients
18 grams of your favorite light or medium roast coffee, medium-fine grind or Ode setting 2
90 grams of water at 212°F
1 can of condensed milk (will only use 1 tablespoon-ÂĽ cup condensed milk syrup + extra for later)
Optional garnishes: cinnamon, cocoa powder, boba
The Recipe
Step 1: Grind all 18 grams of beans.
Step 2: Attach Prismo to AeroPress® and fill with grounds.
Step 3: Pour 90 grams of 212°F water onto grounds in AeroPress. Stir water and grounds for 20-30 seconds. Set aside.
Step 4: Empty condensed milk into a separate storage container.
Step 5: Add hot water 1 tablespoon at a time until desired consistency is reached. The mixture should be half as thick as condensed milk out of the can. Set aside. There will be extra syrup to store for later.
Step 6: Fill Mighty Small Glass Carafe with ice. Place Prismo over Mighty Small and insert the plunger.
Step 7: Press down on AeroPress® plunger to express coffee directly over ice.
Step 8: Let chill for a few minutes, stirring occasionally.
Step 9: Add condensed milk syrup to taste, adding 1 tablespoon a small amount at a time. Mix until fully incorporated. Taste until desired sweetness is reached. Add ice until the glass is full.
Optional: garnish with cocoa, cinnamon, cardamom, or boba. Serve.