Today's drop features Coava Coffee Roaster's Ethiopia Kilenso! In this coffee, we've tasted: strawberry-watermelon, lavender, and melon cream. In a pour-over this coffee produces an incredibly pleasant cup to sip on. It honestly reminds me of summer. We're trying something new this week and providing a full brew guide for those who ordered! Let us know what you think about the guide and the coffee. As always, please comment below with any questions and suggestions. - Brian

Pour-Over Recipe:

- 23g in, 350g out 2:45-3:00 brew time

- Ode Grind setting 3 (experiment with +/- 1-3 notches depending on dripper and recipe!)

- Temp: 205f

1. Bloom 2x weight (46g) 35s

2. Pour 104 to 150-g

3. Pour 100g to 250g

4. Pour 100g to 350g