Dear fellow coffee lovers,
At a time when we need our community the most, the loud and clear directives we are getting contradict the very concept: STAY AT HOME. DO NOT TOUCH. DO NOT SOCIALIZE.
Fortunately for us, at this very moment in time, we have never had more ways to connect, to communicate, to mobilize, or get help remotely when we really need to. Perhaps the shortcoming here is that with so many voices in the room, there is a danger of these important pieces of helpful information getting lost in the echo chamber of hashtags, QR codes, links, and @s. Not only can it be overwhelming, but more often than not, the messages don’t always make it through the sea of content to the people that really need to see them.
We hope not to be one more voice in the room, but perhaps a resting place in the middle of it. We at Fellow have spent the last week gleaning what we felt were the most helpful and impactful pieces of information circulating on social media and the web at large, so we could hopefully centralize all these helpful resources and share them with you here. We will continue to update and add to these links as everything undoubtedly develops.
In the meantime, we sincerely hope that these lists can help serve as a resource to our coffee community, whatever your needs may be.
How Can I Support?
For those of you with the means, your immediate support is needed now more than ever. Of course, seeking out the businesses you would normally patronize on the day-to-day and making a donation or buying a gift card is deeply impactful, but if you are curious about more ways your dollars and support can make a big difference, consider the following:
The Restaurant Workers’ Community Foundation
Instagram: @rwcfusa
What is it: A nationwide org dedicated to supporting the restaurant industry through donation distribution. “50% for direct relief to individual restaurant workers, 25% for non-profit organizations serving restaurant workers in crisis, 25% for zero-interest loans for restaurants to get back up and running.”
How does it work: Fill out the donation form to give! All donations are tax deductible.
The Restaurant Bonds Initiative
Instagram: @supportrestaurants
What is it: “Essentially, they are gift certificates that are sold at a price lower than face value (how much lower is decided by each individual restaurant), but redeemable at face value upon dining at the restaurant. The goal is to sell them for the next 30 days to bring needed income to the restaurants and have them redeemable typically 30-60 days after purchase.”
How does it work: Click on “View the Map” on the main site to see participating restaurants near you.
Go Fund Bean
Instagram: @gofundbean
What is it: A social media account compiled by Adam Jackson Bey which is centralizing and promoting current “Virtual Tip Jars” for baristas and cafés.
How does it work: Cash tips make up a significant percentage of a barista’s income, and currently, many of them currently have had their tips mostly or completely slashed. Simply visit or follow their Instagram (or Twitter!) for updates on “Virtual Tip Jars” that are available for the public to directly donate any amount of money to baristas or cafés that are in need of financial assistance to support their staff while they are out of work.
Barista and Service Worker Funds Request Sheet by Coffee At Large
Instagram: @coffeeatlarge
What is it: This is a live doc where service workers in need can publish their situation and their needs, and those are able to donate can review and help by donating via Venmo and other cash transfer apps.
How does it work: If you would like to add your name and a little bit about your situation, simply open the doc and enter your info in the fields. If you would like to donate, Venmo and CashApp handles are provided.
Buy Your Local Professional Healthcare Provider A Coffee by Andytown Coffee Roasters
Instagram: @andytownSF
What is it: “We are encouraging customers to purchase coffee and pastries to be delivered to healthcare professionals working at hospitals and senior care facilities. This allows Andytown to maintain a revenue stream and stay in business, and it also provides healthcare professionals with vital caffeine and sustenance so they can better serve our community.”
How does it work: Follow the link to learn more and fill out the form to donate. Don’t forget to leave a few bucks in their virtual tip jar!
Stumptown and Atlanta Coffee Alliance urge you to call your local representatives
Instagram: @stumptowncoffee, @atlantacoffeealliance
What is it: “The hospitality community is in crisis. We call in you to support affected businesses during this time of pandemic. We need immediate air in order to survive. We ask that you take action now. Call your reps (202) 224-3121”
How does it work: Pick up the phone! Make your voice heard! If these kinds of things make you nervous, you can reference this helpful script put together by the Atlanta Coffee Alliance.
Supporting Independent Food During COVID19 - creator unknown (If you know the author of this awesome spreadsheet, please email us!)
What is it: Another great Live Doc where restaurants, cafés, and bars can post their current open status, hours, and available services in various major cities.
How does it work: Follow the link to the spreadsheet and select your city tab at the bottom. So far there is San Francisco, Seattle, New York, LA, and Chicago, but it’s growing! Add your business (or your favorite business) and share with friends, so they know where they can support and get great food over the next several weeks!
How Can I Connect?
Human connection is incredibly important at this time. There have been many wonderful efforts to connect, meet, and share stories online within the coffee community (and beyond), and we’ve compiled a few great online community spaces here. We hear again and again what a huge difference it makes to see familiar and new faces this week and hear their voices. Here are some opportunities to get that face time in:
“Coffee Break!” by Anderson Stockdale and Stephen James Davidson
When is it: Daily at 9:00 AM PST or check their site for smaller regional get-togethers!
URL: or
Instagram: @andersganders, @stephenjamesdavidson
What is it: Daily Zoom meet-up open to everyone in the coffee community to check in on each other, share updates, and connect. Each day they share a suggested virtual tip jar for everyone to contribute to if they can.
How does it work: Simply click the Zoom link (you may need to download the app), and you’re in!

“The 3PM Check-In” by Jenn Chen
When is it: Daily at 3:00 PM PST
Instagram: @thejennchen
What is it: Daily instagram video chat hosted by coffee writer & marketer Jenn Chen! “Check in on video and hang out! Make some new friends around the world. We keep it small at 6 people maximum and at a half hour.”
How does it work: DM @thejennchen on Instagram or Twitter to inquire about upcoming open slots.
COVID-19’s Impact on Coffee by Boot Coffee
When is it: Mondays at 8:00 AM PST
Instagram: @bootcoffee
What is it: Weekly Zoom roundtable hosted by Boot Coffee with guest panel to discuss the current state of specialty coffee during COVID-19 from several perspectives of the industry.
How does it work: Click the link to join the Zoom chat.
How Can I Get Help?
This is a devastating time for employers and employees alike. Below are a few ways you can take action to make your voice heard and access resources:
What is it: “Find food assistance, help paying bills, and other free or reduced cost programs, including new programs for the COVID-19 pandemic”
How does it work: Enter your zip code on the landing page to receive a list of available local services which can offer financial and logistical support for those impacted by COVID-19
Barista Employment Survey by Ashley Rodriguez of Boss Barista Podcast
Instagram: @bossbaristapodcast
What is it: “This survey is to estimate how many baristas have lost their jobs following the restaurant and café shutdowns related to COVID-19.” Creator Ashley Rodriguez believes we need more and better data about the current service industry unemployment situation to be able to better understand and support it. This is completely anonymous.
How does it work: Simply follow the link and fill out the Google form. Responses are meant to be anonymous, and no emails will be collected as a result of filling out.
Kiva Small Business Loans
What is it: “Effective immediately, U.S. applicants for a Kiva loan will have access to the following: (1) Expanded eligibility: More businesses in the US will be eligible for a Kiva loan. (2) Larger loans: The maximum loan on the Kiva platform will increase from $10,000 to $15,000. (3) Grace period: New borrowers may access a grace period of up to 6 months for greater financial flexibility.”
How does it work: If fundraising isn’t going to quite cut it, try visiting and create an account to apply for a small business loan.
Catch something great we missed? See a problem? Have an update? Email more ways and tips to help to Please note: we may not be able to post everything you send, but we will review all that we receive as best we can and update this list regularly. Check back again for revisions and additions!