By Hailie Stevens | Certified Q-Grader + Fellow Tasting Panelist |

Brian & Hailie Brew Greater Goods Fresh Perspective! | Brew Recipes

Brian and Hailie show you how to brew Greater Goods Fresh Perspective on both Pour-Over and Espresso!

Greater Goods Fresh Perspective

🌍 Origin: Bishan Dimo, Shakiso, Guji, Ethiopia
🌞 Process: Natural
πŸ”¬ Varietal: Mixed Heirloom
β›° Elevation: 1,850- 2,050 MASL



Ode Setting 2-3, 205F, 3:45-4:15 drawdown
Pour 1 - 50g bloom for 35s
Pour 2 - 100g to 150g
Pour 3 - 100g to 250g
Pour 4 - 100g to 350g


200F+ Boiler Temp
18 grams in, 54 grams out
28-32 seconds


- 20g in / 200g out at 200F
- Agitate at 30s, 10 seconds of stirring slightly aggressively
-Plunge at 1:30s

French press:

-48g in Clara to ~700g water, 205F water temp.
-Bloom 30s
-Agitate gently and evenly (not aggressively) for 10s
-Let brew until 4 min mark, then plunge!


Tasting Notes 0:00
Pour-Over Recipe 2:26
Espresso Recipe 11:22
Coffee Battle Wrap-Up 15:24