Here's how we brew this delicate Nordic roast by Copenhagen’s April Coffee Roasters!

This is April’s first release from the new harvest out of Ethiopia, and it’s kicking off the season with a clean bouquet of sweet floral notes. We tasted honeysuckle, strawberry, honeydew melon, a clean pear acidity, and a silky tea-like body. Look out for the berry candy fragrance and the pop of crisp orange as it cools.

🌍 Origin: Hambela, Ethiopia

💦 Process: Washed

🔬 Varietal: Krume 74122

⛰ Elevation: 1,800 MASL

Brew Recipe for April Ethiopia Meti Washed

Using Stagg X Dripper


23.5g of Ethiopia Meti Washed

350g of water


1. Measure and grind coffee at a medium-coarse setting

Measure out 23.5g of coffee beans and grind them on a medium setting. We used setting 5.2 on Ode with Gen 2 Burrs, which is about 4.2 on Ode with Gen 1 Burrs, which is a 6.2 on Ode + SSP burrs, which would be leaning toward the middle-coarser of the Pour Over range on Opus.

2. Heat water and rinse the filter

Heat water to 202°F and rinse your filter before putting your coffee grounds in.

3. Pour 60g of water for the bloom 

Fully saturate your coffee grounds with 60g of water, and allow about 35 seconds for the bloom.

4. Continue pouring in 4 stages

After the bloom, pour to 150g, then swirl 5 times; then 250g, and swirl 5 times; and finish at 350g. The total brew time varies, but we’re aiming for around 3:00-3:30 minutes.

5. Decant into your favorite mug and enjoy!

Look out for the incredible flavors of white florals, berries, and honeysuckle.

Using April Dripper (Glass)


20g of Ethiopia Meti Washed

300g of water


1. Measure and grind coffee at a medium-coarse to coarse setting

Measure out 20g of coffee beans and grind them on a medium setting. We used setting 6 on Ode with Gen 2 Burrs, which is about 5 on Ode with Gen 1 Burrs, which is a 7 on Ode + SSP burrs, which would be leaning toward the coarse end of the Pour Over range on Opus.

2. Heat water and rinse the filter

Heat water to 202°F and rinse your filter before putting your coffee grounds in.

3. Pour 100g of water for the bloom 

Fully saturate your coffee grounds with 100g of water, and allow about 35 seconds for the bloom.

4. Continue pouring in 3 stages

After the bloom, pour to 200g, the first 30g in a circle and the last 70g in the center; then repeat and finish at 300g. The total brew time varies, but we’re aiming for around 3:00-3:10 minutes.

5. Decant into your favorite mug and enjoy!

Look out for the incredible flavors of white florals, berries, and honeysuckle.



18g of the same coffee

54g of water at 200 F

1:3 ratio


1. Measure and grind coffee

Measure out 18g of coffee beans.

2. Make sure your espresso machine is at temp.

Water should ideally be at  200°F.

4. Grind your coffee

We suggest a 21 second pull time. I’d start on the coarser end of the grind spectrum for espresso on Opus– but remember, the times are more important than the accuracy of Opus settings, considering espresso times can vary wildly due to atmospheric conditions in your area.

4. Pull shot at 6 bars!

Pull your shot at around 6 bars with a quick 21 second pull time.

5. Decant into your favorite demitasse cup and enjoy!

Let us know what flavors pop out in your espresso. We suggest stirring with a small spoon before tasting to integrate all layers of the ‘spro!