Here’s how we brew this delightful balance of sweetness and florals with a buttery fragrance on top—Ethiopia Layo #5 by Loveless!

Layo #5 is a mix of coffees grown in the wild forest and those cultivated on semi-forested plots around the Hawata Washing Station in Uraga, Guji. The shady, flora-rich environment and high elevation results in a juicily complex cup. 

We tasted cherries, blueberries, peach, marshmallow, and jasmine, with a silky body, a stone fruit acidity, and a lingering berry finish. Nom!

Ethiopia Layo

🌍 Origin: Guji, Ethiopia

💦 Process: Washed

🔬 Varietal: Heirloom

⛰ Elevation: 1,850 - 2,300 MASL


Brew Recipe for Pour-Over

Using Stagg [X] Dripper



23 g of Ethiopia Layo #5 by Loveless to make 350g of coffee.

350g of Water



1. Measure and grind coffee

Measure out 23g coffee beans and grind them on a medium-coarse setting. We used setting 4 on Ode with Gen 2 Burrs, which is about 3 on Ode with Gen 1 Burrs.


2. Heat water and rinse filter

Heat water to 205°F and rinse your filter before putting your coffee grounds in.


3. Pour 46g for the bloom

Fully saturate your coffee grounds with twice as much water as coffee, and allow about 35 seconds for the bloom.


4. Continue pouring in 3 stages

After the bloom, pour to 104g, then 100g, and finish at 100g. The total brew time should be about 3:30 mins.


5. Decant into your favorite mug and enjoy! 

Look out for the incredible flavors of peach, marshmallow, and jasmin.