Here's how we brewed this exceptionally aromatic and delicate washed Ethiopia by Copenhagen’s Coffee Collective!

This is Coffee Collective’s first offering from the Worka cooperative, which is made up of smallholder farmers in southern Yirgacheffe. The high elevation and perfect geographical location makes for some of the cleanest and most consistent coffees in the region.

We tasted peach, pink florals, honeydew melon, a stone fruit acidity, a silky-clean body, and a round sweetness emerging as it cools.

🌍 Origin: Yirgacheffe, Ethiopia

💦 Process: Washed

🔬 Varietal: 74-110, 74-112

⛰ Elevation: 2,100 - 2,300 MASL

Brew Recipe for Coffee Collective - Ethiopia Worka

Using Stagg X Dripper


22g of Ethiopia Worka

345g of water



1. Measure and grind coffee at a medium-coarse setting

Measure out 22g of coffee beans and grind them on a medium-coarse setting. We used setting 6.2 on Ode with SSP Burrs, which is about 4.2 on Ode with Gen 1 Burrs, which is a 5.2 on Ode with Gen 2 Burrs. This would be sitting toward the coarse end of the Pour Over range on Opus.

2. Heat water and rinse the filter

Heat water to 202°F and rinse your filter before putting your coffee grounds in.

3. Pour 50g of water for the bloom 

Fully saturate your coffee grounds with 50g of water, and allow about 35-40 seconds for the bloom.

4. Continue pouring in 4 stages

After the bloom, pour to 150g; then once the water drains to just above the grounds, pour to 250g; then finish at 345g. After your last pour, once the water drains a bit, swirl gently 5-10 times to agitate. The total brew time varies, but we’re aiming for 3-3:30 minutes.

5. Decant into your favorite mug and enjoy!

Look out for the incredible flavors of peach, pink florals, and honeydew melon.

Using Kalita Wave Dripper


32g of Ethiopia Worka

500g of water



1. Measure and grind coffee at a medium-coarse setting

Measure out 32g of coffee beans and grind them on a medium-coarse setting. 

2. Heat water and rinse the filter

Heat water to 202°F and rinse your filter before putting your coffee grounds in.

3. Pour 64g of water for the bloom 

Fully saturate your coffee grounds with 64g of water, and allow 30 seconds for the bloom.

4. Pour continuously for the rest of the brew, up to 500g total weight

Aim to hit total volume of 500g in 1:45-2:00 minutes. Start in the middle and make a spiral all the way to the edge and then come back to the middle until 500g is reached.



20g of the same coffee

40g of water at 202 F

1:2 ratio


1. Measure and grind coffee

Measure out 20g of coffee beans.

2. Make sure your espresso machine is at temp.

Water should ideally be at  202°F.

4. Grind your coffee

We suggest a brew time of 30 seconds.

4. Pull shot at low bars for the first 15 seconds, and then 7-9 bars!

Pull your shot at low bar pressure (around 2 bars) for 15 seconds, and then ramp up to around 7-9 bars with a 30 second pull time.

5. Decant into your favorite demitasse cup and enjoy!

Let us know what flavors pop out in your espresso. We suggest stirring with a small spoon before tasting to integrate all layers of the ‘spro!